Looking to Improve Core Strength? Try Medicine Ball Exercises
Having a strong core will translate well in terms of better posture and how you move in a given workout. As the body learns to move better through a given movement pattern, the ability to perform that strength training exercise will also improve. A fun and challenging way to strengthen the core is through the use of medicine ball exercises. Here are few you can add to your workout.
Medicine Ball Rotation
Medicine Ball Two-Arm Overhead Throw
Stability Ball Medicine Ball Sit-Up
Medicine Ball Decline Two-Arm Overhead Throw
Medicine Ball Overhead Slam
One of the better core exercise you can do. As you become more comfortable performing the movement, add in some downward rotation as a progression.
Final Thoughts
We know that in order to get stronger, ripped abs, we need more than just weekly core work. Watching total calories, added sugar, and late night eating can all be culprits for an unsuccessful fitness journey. Changing things up in terms of core training and eating habits, will elevate you to that next level. Try a few of these medicine ball exercises, especially the overhead medicine ball slam.
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Originally published at https://www.jefit.com on August 21, 2023.